Committed to enriching the lives of Albertans with an intellectual disability through sport.

Amanda Trenchard

Amanda Trenchard
Award: Heart of SOE

All about Amanda
Three fun facts about Amanda
1. Ran my first marathon at the age of 50
2. Was born in England
3. I have polar plunged 9 times
In her time outside Special Olympics she….
Amanda likes to play soccer and train for long distance running! Super cool!
We asked Amanda if she could travel to one place in the world and have lunch with anyone, where would she go and who would she have lunch with.
There are many places in the world I will still like to travel with but as far as having lunch with someone, all the people who I would want to have lunch with live here and are my friends. I don’t need to travel to have lunch with someone.

Special Olympics Involvement
Years and areas of service
Amanda has been involved with Special Olympics for 22 years! In that time she has held many positions! Currently, she is the head coach for our soccer program and lead Edmonton LETR member!
We asked how Special Olympics has impacted her life
As I coach I believe that the athletes have taught me more about life and how to always enjoy it no mater what!
Her advice for someone new who wanted to become involved with Special Olympics
This is am amazing organization and people are always welcomed with open arms and everyone is accepted for who they are.
A memorable Special Olympics moment for her
As both a coach and a police officer involved with LETR I have had many memorable moments but one that stands out is when I attended my first national games in 2006. I just remember the flame of hope being brought into the games and the cheers and excitement of the athletes. To this day every time the flame is brought in to a games I always become very emotional as I know how much excitement and joy special Olympics bring to the athletes and that is echoed in there cheers and excite at each games.

About this award
Amanda was nominated for this award and chosen by people in her community. She had a few words to say about this…
Thank you so much for the nomination I feel so honored to be given an award for something I love to do and also having it come from my family as a you are all my family.